InInferbyJFrog ML (formerly Qwak)CI/CD for Machine Learning in 2024: Best Practices to Build, Test, and DeployExplore best practices for CI/CD in Machine Learning in 2024. Learn to build, test, and deploy ML models efficiently with expert…Dec 27, 202311Dec 27, 202311
Matteo Bianchi2023 DevOps is terrible.My analysis of modern DevOps evolution into Platform Engineering. Just a new trend or a revolution in the IT industry?Sep 21, 202336Sep 21, 202336
Murat AkdenizHow to Deploy 100 Microservices into 1 Cluster with ArgoCDConcentrated answer: create an individual folder for each service containing the configuration file and use application set to generate…Jul 31, 20232Jul 31, 20232
InBlendVisionbyNeil Wei[好文翻譯] 你在找的是 SRE 還是 DevOps?敝社這半年來開始大舉徵才,其中不乏 DevOps 和 SRE 的職缺,然而 HR (或其他部門的同事)對於兩者的相異之處並不瞭解,甚至認為 SRE 和傳統維運單位一樣,只是換個名字,從管機房到管雲端而已,究竟兩者到底有什麼差別呢?Aug 3, 20185Aug 3, 20185
Amit PalProductionize ArgoCDArgoCD is like the new shiny toy that every kid wants to play with. It’s special and designed for the GenZ of applications, applications…Dec 20, 2022Dec 20, 2022
InJohnLiu 的軟體工程思維byJohnliutwGoogle 的軟體工程之道 (1) — 起源 & 格式指南與規則你好奇 Google 的軟體工程文化嗎? 是什麼樣的價值觀和運作方式,幫助一個全世界最大的軟體公司維持高效的開發方式 ? 這個系列會透過 “Google 的軟體工程之道” 的解析點評,幫助你快速獲得大規模軟體開發最佳實踐的啟發。Feb 5, 20231Feb 5, 20231
Engine Bai如何進行 Code Review?在多人軟體開發過程中,Code Review 就是在我們完成一個功能或問題修正後,會請其他開發者來幫忙檢查、給建議,這過程扮演了一個十分重要的角色,讓我們來看看該如何進行。May 17, 20224May 17, 20224
InITNEXTbyHugo RochaWhat we learned after I deleted the main production database by mistakeA cautionary tale to show that processes exist to protect us from ourselves and our undying stupiditySep 18, 202227Sep 18, 202227
InOneDegree Tech BlogbyTony PaiOneDegree SRE 架構大揭秘這次 OneDegree SRE Team 想來跟大家分享在各個產品的系統架構,上一篇文章 OneDegree SRE 團隊大揭秘中有提到 OneDegree 的事業體有三個,分別是 ODHK、IXT 以及 Cymetrics,但礙於篇幅,本篇僅介紹 ODHK 和 IXT。Jul 29, 20221Jul 29, 20221
InStarbugs Weekly 星巴哥技術專欄bysmalltown服務總是在半夜出事嗎? — 令人不再害怕 On Call 的系統化做法此篇文章主要想談自己公司這一路上逐步將 Incident Response 建立起來所做的事情,整篇文章會依序從監控,組織類型, On Call, IR, RCA 幾個大主題把自己覺得重要的事情提出來,希望大家看完這邊文章,對於 On Call 這件事情可以有一些新的看法與想法Jun 6, 20221Jun 6, 20221
InGeek CulturebyTonyJenkins — Shared Library IntroductionJenkins shared library with examplesAug 6, 2022Aug 6, 2022
In4th CoffeebyTiexin GuoDagger (the CI/CD Tool, not the Knife) In-Depth: Everything You Need to Know (as of Apr 2022)This isn’t yet another meaningless review of the latest kid on the DevOps block. It just isn’t. Follow me, and you won’t regret it.Apr 7, 20222Apr 7, 20222
InFAUN — Developer Community 🐾byKyler Middleton🔥Let’s Do DevOps: Terraform Dynamic IAM Policy ConstructionThis blog series focuses on presenting complex DevOps projects as simple and approachable via plain language and lots of pictures. You can…Oct 18, 2021Oct 18, 2021
Charles-Edouard BrétéchéKind, Keycloak and ArgoCD with SSOIn this story I’m going to deploy Keycloak (an identity provider) and ArgoCD (a GitOps continuous delivery tool for Kubernetes) together on…Feb 3, 20221Feb 3, 20221
Tapajyoti Bose6 Killer Productivity Apps for ProgrammersAre you a Programmer? Want to take your productivity to a whole new level? Look no further, these apps will help you achieve just that!Mar 20, 202235Mar 20, 202235
InBetter ProgrammingbyIsrael Miles5 Rules for Every Code ReviewDon’t just hit “Approve”Apr 29, 202113Apr 29, 202113
InITNEXTbyMartin HeinzCloud Native CI/CD with Tekton — Laying The FoundationIt’s time to kick-start your journey to cloud-native CI/CD on Kubernetes with Tekton Pipelines…Mar 15, 2021Mar 15, 2021
Firas Sozan10 Killer Interview Questions for a DevOps/SRE HireInterviewing candidates is an opportunity to get to know who they are and what they can do. When making a DevOps or site reliability…Feb 7, 20212Feb 7, 20212